Welcome to W.A.M!

W.A.M., short for We Are Mendel, is Section II-Mendel's official blog-slash-website. Our class is a rich mix of thirteen charming boys and thirty-four brilliant girls. Add in our capable, admirable adviser, Mrs. Orgino, and you've got a handful. The fact that Mendel is the third section in the Science High Curriculum has, doesn't, and will never stop us from achieving. For us, Mendel isn't just "the section we belonged to as Sophomores"; it will always be "where we had FUN, FUN, FUN".

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

W.A.M! Victory Par-tei!

Can I get a big whuuut?

Yeah, baby! To celebrate our well-deserved, fairly-achieved victory, the Mendelians held a -- what else? -- VICTORY PARTY today, December 15, 2007, at the residence of our dear adviser, Mrs. Orgino.

Of course, the fun started with f---. FOOD, silly! I -- eherm -- led the prayer, after which throngs of food-lusty Mendelians rushed and, hand-in-hand, made the entire serving of lechon baboy dissipate within moments. Ka-zam.

And after that food-whoring session came games. Yep, yep.. what Mendelian party would be complete sans games? The quintessential paper dance, mixed version, ensued; Idriss and Mia won that event. The paper dance, male version followed (I forgot who won it). Then came the bring-me event, another party must-have. Jay, Mia and Jayson all won. Of course, we couldn't resist the hula-bira festivities, known also as the game of charades. After three tie-breakers, the boys' team won with the question "Where was Jose Rizal executed? What was it called then, and what is it called now?" *roll eyes* That was followed by Spin-The-Bottle. I won't enumerate all the dares made ("Dare or Consequence?"), but arguably the most hilarious was Mia and Rhodney's oh-so-romantic dance session. Haha. *rotfl*

After that, we all came inside to watch our winning presentation on TV. It wasn't dubbed, except for our opening dialogue; and it kicked ass. YEAH, BABY! THAT'S MENDEL ALL THE WAY!

But what would a victory party be without a victory? The win was made possible through the help of Mrs. Orgino, Ate Kathleen Liquigan and her adorable child Tennessee a.k.a. Aran Liquigan, us Mendelians, and the Almighty up above, most of all.

When you take all of the aforementioned, you get a kick-ass presentation worthy of the top spot. Don't believe me? See for yourself. Our presentation will hopefully be uploaded on YouTube soon, and when that happens, I'll post a link on this blog so you can view it. This is real, baby!

1 comment:

^^,--birin-chan--^^, said...

me again..! hehe.. xp

our victory party waz the BEST!!!

bibo au..!

wekwekweeeeeeeeek....!!! XD


i wish nka.ovR niGht q though.. sayang..!

