Welcome to W.A.M!

W.A.M., short for We Are Mendel, is Section II-Mendel's official blog-slash-website. Our class is a rich mix of thirteen charming boys and thirty-four brilliant girls. Add in our capable, admirable adviser, Mrs. Orgino, and you've got a handful. The fact that Mendel is the third section in the Science High Curriculum has, doesn't, and will never stop us from achieving. For us, Mendel isn't just "the section we belonged to as Sophomores"; it will always be "where we had FUN, FUN, FUN".

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Friday, December 14, 2007

We Love the View From Here!

It all looks good from where we stand -- the TOP!12132007(014)

Yes! Section II-Mendel once again proved that where you stand is where you're bound to stay. Who ever said Section Three couldn't bag the first prize? 

Our Poem Interpretation presentation, depicting the poem "The Nature of Nature" by Pauline Hamblin, beat the competition during the recently-concluded Education Week celebration. Yep, yep, we did it again. Can I get three cheers for Section Mendel? Hip-hip-hooray!

Plus, other achievements. Our classmate, Idriss, bagged Second Place in the declamation contest held in connection to the same event. That's him below -- shameless on stage, dancing the 70s way to the tune of Papaya by Urszula Dudziak.12142007 He won 2nd place during that informal dancing showdown.

Another classmate, Kazu, was the champion during the Scrabble contest held, once again, in connection to Education Week. That's a handful of awards!

Congrats, Mendel! We showed them! The school year is barely over so we've got a lot more prizes to garner, guys! Let's give ourselves THREE thumbs-up!

p.s. a big shout-out and profuse thanks to Mrs. Orgino, our adviser, for her unending support, confidence and trust in us; and to her daughter and our trainer, Ate Kathleen, for her patience and will to teach us; and of course, who could forget Aran, for keeping us company throughout our practice sessions. Not to mention, she's as cute as an angel, too.


♥Cyra Lyka♥ said...

Dean, it's very nice!!! Nice job!!! Your really love our section!!! I'm very happy that you are proud to be one of MENDELIANZ07-08!!!

Take Care always!!! Love yah!!!

^^,--birin-chan--^^, said...

hU expectd we'd win?!

to think we were only xpectng 2nd n 3rd place AT FIRST..

haha.. =D

and yes, being on top DOES feel good..! XD

heehee.. XP

being a mendelian is the BEST thing tHat's ever happnd to me.. (and the same goes to every1 of our cm8s, i bet..!)


MENDEL ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

and proud to say it too!!

hell yeah!! XD