Welcome to W.A.M!

W.A.M., short for We Are Mendel, is Section II-Mendel's official blog-slash-website. Our class is a rich mix of thirteen charming boys and thirty-four brilliant girls. Add in our capable, admirable adviser, Mrs. Orgino, and you've got a handful. The fact that Mendel is the third section in the Science High Curriculum has, doesn't, and will never stop us from achieving. For us, Mendel isn't just "the section we belonged to as Sophomores"; it will always be "where we had FUN, FUN, FUN".

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Let the Nosebleeding Begin!

Time check, it's half past two in the fair city of Butuan. More than ten Mendelians are inside a quaint internet cafe just outside the campus, Friendster-ing and whatnot. This is what we call "recovery".

Why? Just half an hour ago, our noses were bleeding and our brains were about to ish-plud. Yep, the 3rd periodic exams kicked off today, which consequently meant we had to fasten our seatbelts for take-off. Le Damn.

The real shit starts happening tomorrow, when Algebra, Geometry, Social Studies and Biology will be taken on the same day!

Well, I guess it's time to buy tissue paper and cotton to prep for the extensive nosebleeding.

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