Welcome to W.A.M!

W.A.M., short for We Are Mendel, is Section II-Mendel's official blog-slash-website. Our class is a rich mix of thirteen charming boys and thirty-four brilliant girls. Add in our capable, admirable adviser, Mrs. Orgino, and you've got a handful. The fact that Mendel is the third section in the Science High Curriculum has, doesn't, and will never stop us from achieving. For us, Mendel isn't just "the section we belonged to as Sophomores"; it will always be "where we had FUN, FUN, FUN".

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Friday, March 28, 2008

The School Year's Over...

...but our status as Mendelians 2007-2008 will never fade. Thanks, guys, for the memories we've shared. They'll forever be in our hearts, and we will always look back and cherish the ten wonderful months we shared. Although it is our fervent wish that the same Mendelians will stick together in Junior life, alas, it isn't in the Lord's plan. Nevertheless, I will never regret the fact that I became part of a great gang of 47 boys and girls na PINAKADABONG sa Science High. Nothing will ever compare to my Sophomore life. We only pass 2nd year high school once, and I am thankful that I was a Mendelian, because I cannot think of a better way to spend my life as a Sophie.

Hhmpf. Mwahugs. Tear-tear-tear. Oh, my God. Pagkadabong. Go mendel. I love you all. [ I CA_ _A YOU! :-) ]


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